After A Hiatus…Happy Birthday Dan!

It has been another hiatus on the blogging front for the Hayman household…thesis writing, life planning, house moving, and graduation (with honours!), and Covid-19 jabs, have prevented me from picking up my blogging pen. I thought for this ‘come back blog’, like any good band, it needs to return with a strong opener. So, happy…

Nagano January 2021

In January, Dan and I enjoyed a belated winter break to Nagano. The main attraction of the break was the Air BnB, which provided us with a unique and tranquil space to unwind in after the year most want to forget. It didn’t disappoint, allowing us to sleep in absolute silence and darkness, and wake…

Turning 34 in Saitama

I turned 34 (in age, not mind) this year at an eco-lodge we’ve visited previously in Saitama. It’s up in the mountains and surrounded by bamboo. We’ve visited a few times because it’s peaceful, surrounded by nature, and, importantly, cheap! This year was a difficult birthday, the first to pass without hearing from my Dad….

The Beach in Ibaraki Prefecture

Dan and I were limited in domestic-only travel in Japan in 2020, for reasons we already all know…although, with the Covid-19 situation worsening, travel of any kind needs careful consideration in 2021 too. With that context, in October 2020 Dan and I spent the week at an isolated beach hut on the coast of Ibaraki…

A Trip to Mount Fuji

Dan and I have been lucky enough to enjoy many trips to Mount Fuji since we moved to Japan. In the unrelenting wet season and during the Covid pandemic of 2020, we had a physically isolated trip to this natural wonder once more. Although Fuji-san was shy and did not often peak out from her…

Dan’s Birthday 2020

This year was not a “big birthday” and it was one Dan celebrated during the Covid pandemic physical distancing, but still, I wanted to make sure it was one to remember. Dan deserves a celebration and I wanted to provide it in a socially responsible and physically distanced way. So, I took to Google to…

Mum Visits Japan and Spring Break 2020

In March 2020 mum visited us in Japan. It was her first trip to Japan, and I wanted to make it one to remember! Mum’s visit was part of our spring break plans in 2020; a couple of weeks jam-packed with mini-breaks and enjoyable hikes. We had six days together with mum and I wanted…

Revitalising in Paradise

In July 2019 I took a week long trip to Miyakojima, in Okinawa. This was a solo holiday, and my first solo holiday for some time. I needed some space from Tokyo (not my wonderful Dan of course!) and some time to relax and rest – my first in a while! The island is in…

Four Years

27th May 2019 saw Dan and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. However, perhaps even more significantly, 2019 marks our tipping point. We have known each other for half of our life times this year, and so from here on in we have spent more time together than apart. That feels pretty special. Of course,…

Golden Week 2019: Agano Hikes

Golden Week of 2019 was a pretty special one. This year it was ten days in a row, to celebrate the abdication of the Emperor Akihito, with his son, Naruhito, taking up the position. This is the first abdication in Japan since 1817, so it is a unique chance to be able to experience it. Ten…