Family Fortunes

This weekend has been full of family fun before I fly to Japan in FIVE DAYS! We had a lovely meal with my lot on Friday; a trip to visit Grandma and then some decedent cream teas with Maralyn, Paul and Jess on Saturday; and a 90th birthday celebration for Nana on Sunday! Check out…

And Thank You!

As you may have seen, I’ve spent the last few days at the pre-departure JET Programme Orientation in London. As part of my experience, I was invited by the JET Programme to share my thoughts, plans, hopes and aspirations for my time in Japan. I gave a speech (my very first like this!) to 200+…

JET Programme London Orientation

On the 14th and 15th July I attended two days of pre-departure Orientation for the JET Programme in London. It was brilliant! The people were wonderful, it was very well organised and informative. Now, more than ever, I cannot wait to make the move in just over a weeks time. We considered what to expect…


The sound track our past few days: “This European air: It always warms my face; I wish I could pass on; I will bring you stories; and bleary-eyed photos; like a regular tourist.” (Athlete, circa my teenage years- I’m giving too much away…) We have had an extended weekend stay in London, so we could both tourist and say sayonara to…

Departure to Japan Approaches and the Nerves Have Set in!

Well it is now just three weeks before the big move to Japan! I cannot believe that after all of this time, we are finally moving. We have details of our placement and are moving to Shimonoseki city. It is the largest city in the Yamaguchi Prefecture and right on the southern tip. You can…

I Would Walk 500 Miles…

Well, we didn’t walk, we drove with a full van of our lives contained in a surprisingly small space. Bar the mattress, which can go to hell. “How long will it take to pack the van up?” “I think about 45 mins” “Nah, probably more like an hour” We return to van packing three hours…

It’s Yamaguchi Prefecture!

The placement information is finally in, we are moving to Yamaguchi prefecture!! We initially knew little about our new home, but here is what some extensive googling and joining of Facebook groups has led us to understand: It is the most southern prefecture of the Honshu island of Japan. The climate is semi-tropical with a…

Packing Without Boundaries

Time has, as it often does, forced us to commit to packing up our Manchester lives and plunging into the Japan move. We have no knowledge of our JET placement but have already committed to the programme. This is no problem for me as I am ready to move and have a job, but it…

The Waiting Game…is Over…Sort of

Well, I (Lorrie) got onto the JET 2016 programme! Very exciting news and makes our move to Japan MUCH closer. July to be exact… DJ is on the alternate list, which means he may get a position but it is unlikely to be near me as he wasn’t upgraded in the first round. We are…