Strike a Pose!

This weekend we saw the most diva fuelled dog of all time. There it was, with an elbow out of the window, smirking at us as we passed. It inspired me! If a dog can be a diva and get away with looking so cute…maybe I can too! Right, I’m off to buy a diamond…

Why I am Weird in Japan…

Because my hair has made me look like a mad woman…humidity has led to a bouffant I was not expecting. Each time I pass a mirror (I now avoid this activity) it looks worse than I remember. I considered shaving it all off, but feared this will make me look even more insane. I sweat…

What Have we Realised we Cannot Live Without?

The microwave three egg cooker: Didn`t realise there was ever anything wrong with boiling eggs in a pan. But there is – you just cannot get the cooking consistency and ridiculous sense of satisfaction you achieve with this wonderful egg cooking device. Excuse the melted top, at first we decided to grill it to see…

Four on: What Have the Past Four Weeks Really Been Like?

I found the initial few days a whirlwind of jet lag and Tokyo Orientation. It was nice to meet lots of like-minded people, ready for an adventure. Although, I wonder how many people were really prepared for the life upheaval and emotional impact of leaving their families. Nonetheless, I found the Tokyo Orientation scratched the…

Dan’s Arrival in Shimonoseki is Celebrated in Style!

Dan has finally arrived in our Japanese home. After two days of travel and a whole lot of plane food, he touched down in Tokyo on Friday. Making his way to Yamaguchi was not without its challenges, as he managed to find the only delayed train in the whole of Japan, thus missing his connections….

It’ Just Like Home…

Except I couldn’t work out how to flush the toilet… So one week after moving to Shimonoseki, I am slowly acclimatising. By this I do not mean that I am getting used to anything at all, but that I am getting familiar with that feeling of hysteria as I do almost all things wrong. I…

Honey, I’m home!

I arrived in Japan on Sunday (today is Thursday) and what an incredible week it has been so far. Tokyo orientation was informative and engaging from the start. I met so many people from across the world, all eagerly awaiting their adventure! I didn’t explore as much of Tokyo as some, but did get to…