JET Programme London Orientation


On the 14th and 15th July I attended two days of pre-departure Orientation for the JET Programme in London. It was brilliant! The people were wonderful, it was very well organised and informative. Now, more than ever, I cannot wait to make the move in just over a weeks time.

We considered what to expect in Japan as well as considering the importance of all JETs understanding that we are now government employees. I cannot wait to get back into the classroom and say ‘yes’ to all that our time in Japan throws at us!

Dan will be joining me in Shimonoseki (or Shimonosweaty my predecessor has named it!) a few weeks after I settle in, and so now the excitement for us both is high! This was helped by an additional Japanese language class we attended on the 17th. We practiced our introductions knowing that the next time we try these, it will be to a native Japanese speaker in Japan!

T-minus 12 days for me…


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