The Best Days are Beach Days: Sunset Live 2017

Marking the end of the summer holiday in Japan this year fell to a weekend away at a festival. We had seen pictures of the festival beforehand, but hadn’t wanted to hope it could possibly be as beautiful and laid back as it seemed. But, ahhh, bliss, it was!

The festival, called Sunset Live, took place on a beach in a reasonably rural part of Fukuoka prefecture. To get to the site, the route takes you on winding roads through rice paddies. The site itself sits on a white sweeping sandy beach, overlooked by a small harbour and some dominating cliffs. It was a beautiful place and was generally full of beautiful people who wanted to enjoy a very laid back vibe.

We spent the full two days at the festival, sleeping in a nearby hotel. Each day offered a range of different musical acts from Reggae, to Scar, Rap and Classic. The stage design was magical throughout the site and everyone was happy to gently bop along to whatever happened to be playing at the time!

On Saturday we enjoyed beers and relaxed beach times. Sunday was more about the coffee, donuts, and music. Both days gave us relaxation as the site was really easy to navigate. It was so nice to go to a festival that is easy to do! Perhaps I have spent too many years in wellies with mud up to my forehead…give me a smaller space and dusty sand anyday…

The highlight for me was a pretty brilliant breakdance battle! The power they used to spin around such a small space was pretty darn impressive. The battle marked the end of two brilliant days for us. So, thanks Sunset Live!

Oh…we did feature in the promotion video too…just sayin’, now actually famous an’ that…

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