New Year’s Eve

This New Year’s Eve we were privileged to welcome 2018 in at the Champs Elysee fireworks and party. We counted down the final moments of 2017 in a crowd of thousands, and then with Jamie and Rachel we enjoyed celebratory coffee eclairs. It seems like a strange choice, but at midnight on that cold and busy street, it was perfection!

We enjoyed an evening of brilliant company with Jamie and Rachel and got into the party spirit on the closed street at the Champs Elysee! So many people were flocking together to celebrate. Admittedly, the fireworks seemed far away and we were all too distracted hugging and cheering to actually watch them, but the atmosphere was electric!

The journey back to our accommodation saw us continue the party. We attempted to gate crash a swanky party playing excellent tunes (but they were ready for the likes of us…) and found the spirit of Tiverton (where I grew up) in Paris, at the Parisian version of the Tivoli. By 3 am, we rolled home, only to have to set our alarms for a mere three hours later as our long haul flight home was calling…but it was worth it for such a fabulous New Years Eve!

Happy 2018. Thanks Champs Elysee.


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