Kagoshima and Coffee


Our long weekend trip to Kagoshima was full of relaxation and coffee shop discovery, as usual!

We enjoyed the charismatic streets of Kagoshima. Little alleyways you could meander down and find a nice restaurant or cool bar.  We visited several places with no information on the outside, but inside we found colourful spaces and eclectic drinks collections!

On Saturday we took a stroll up a nearby mountain for views across the city. It was very peaceful and reminded me of a British forest as we walked up just after a rain shower and it smelt of glorious nature! We had been fulled for this by a hearty vegan meal…I know, vegan food in Japan! It’s clear Kagoshima is a pretty cool place. After this we decided to venture out on the town, only to realise we had overdone it too soon and so we returned to the hotel at midnight. Still, midnight!

We explored the cafe scene as usual, finding one of Dan’s top three coffees at a standing room only cafe called Coffee Soldier. Dan is now something of a coffee  snob, so this is big praise indeed! We sipped many a latte and indulgent hot chocolate over the two days. Yum and relaxing.

It was a brilliant and relaxing trip, just what we needed during these cold winter months!

Thanks Kagoshima.

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