Swifty Does It: Turning 32 in Style

Screw turning 32. The title of my memoir? A little early perhaps…

Anyway, there was NO chance I was going to do something sensible for my 32nd birthday. Nice meal out? Do one. Visit a gallery? No thanks. Instead I embarked on a rather more teenage adventure of…Taylor Swift in concert, plus alcohol (I am not one of the millennials shunting alcohol…all in moderation though, of course!)

Yep, me at the Swift decided to hangout for my birthday, shaking it off and blaming others for the things they made us do. And it was blooming fabulous!

We, yes I made Dan come too, enjoyed the concert in Tokyo Dome a small venue of 160,000 seats. Taylor was in town for two nights only and both were a sell-out, with the concert we went to being the last of her 2018 tour. It was some kind of birthday karma that enabled us to get tickets, at a discount price as well! The karma continued when the seat in front of me was taken by a very small and very excited little girl. She was my reflection!

The concert was full of the drama, story-telling, emotion and epic visuals that you would expect. There was a HUGE python, some men running vertically up a wall, and Taylor heading around the venue in various cages attached to seemingly invisible lines. It was wonderful. We shook, sang, and bopped for a full two hours. It was a truly excellent birthday gift from Dan and  one I will certainly remember for a long, long time!

So, screw turning 32.

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