Second Bunk Bars

Dan and I recently took another walk around our local area. We really did accidentally nail it when we decided to move to Nakano ward, having never visited the area or  West Tokyo…

On our night-time stroll we found a street that time had preserved. It was a street of low doorways and inviting little bars, amid many un-inviting and scary looking bars too. Half way down the street time forgot, we stumbled upon a beer cob, which is a beer hall style bar in Japan. We have enjoyed the beers of this mini Tokyo chain before and so decided to enjoy the all you can drink vibes again.

It was quite a surprise when we entered to be offered the chance to stand or head up to the second bunk of what looked like a bunk bed…”up, up, up there?” We questioned, thinking there must have been a sizeable language barrier breakdown. However, alas, we were encouraged to climb the steep wooden ladder up, up, up and away.

Up there in the beer cob heavens we realised it put us in a unique position as we could oversee the rest of the space but were basically hidden from view. It meant we could people watch to our hearts content and work off all the beer calories by precariously travelling up and down the wooden ladder to the bar. We also go to drink beer sat on some strange second floor tatami mat bunk. Unique.

After stumbling back out into the night on the street of timeless wonder, we realised that life is crazy and that this drinking experience was surely only one you would get in a crazy place like Tokyo?!

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