Term One – Learning About Peace

Poor Our Japan Story has taken a back-seat this term. This is reflective of almost everything, other than studying, taking a back seat. I knew graduate school would be difficult, but I had no idea how all-consuming it would be! Firstly, the sheer amount of reading required has been overwhelming. An academic article that is…

Life Plans!

The temporary experience of living in Tokyo that Dan and I signed up to in August 2018 just got moderatly more than temporary. By December 2018 we knew we wanted to spend a little more time living in this epic city as we had barely scratched the surface of our local area, let alone the…

N5 Stands for NO X 5 – But Apparently we PASSED!

Up-date: We passed! Somehow and with little in it…success! In the first weekend of December, Dan and I decided to give ourselves a little festive treat, and take a Japanese proficiency exam. We went in at the beginner, and lowest, level of N5 of the JLPT test (Japanese government accredited). So we enjoyed (in no…