Tunes and Birthday Beats

On Sunday 20th November we attended a music performance at The Beat Cafe. The singer Satoko san joined a very intimate crowd of ten in the beautiful and relaxing beach side setting. The music was inventive and delicate. Crowd interaction was encouraged through home made coffee bean shakers and rocks against wood for a solid…

Deer Self(ie)

Deer Self(ie), I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your recent successes. To name a few, you are travelling parts of Japan you had never even heard of until your move here just less than four months ago. You are embracing the culture and studying the language. You challenge and ask…

Oi, “sweet as a nut, sweet like Tropicana”

Another weekend away exploring our beautiful prefecture! This weekend took us to the rural delights of Yashiro Island where the tangerines were in season and “sweet as a nut, sweet like Tropicana”. On our arrival we had a delicious curry in a very happening café (most of the residents on the island are over 65,…

When Nature Calls

Japan may-well have a population of 128 million but be only 1.56 times the size of the UK, but wow, does it have nature! Countries of the world could learn a thing or two about keeping your streets and rivers clean and allowing nature to take flourish. Due to the landscape of Japan, the mountains…

Growing to Love Our New Home

When we arrived in Shimonoseki, there was no doubt its rural charm was a little shocking to us. We had been used to a life of city living: cafes and bars galore; six buses an hour; an extensive tram system; and hundreds of restaurants at our door step. In Shimonoseki, we didn’t seem to have…