New Job, New Self

About three weeks ago I started a new job in Tokyo. I’m now teaching as an English Intructor in a well known Japanese university. I get to plan my own classes and I’m responsible for my own time and each lesson. The schedule is taxing, but I’ve finally, after a very long gap, got my mojo back for teaching.

I always thought I was a bad person for disliking teaching as much as I did but still doing it as my visa, hem, I mean job…but I think I knew it was worth while really really really deep down. My new job has come as a big reminder that it is, and actually you do get the chance to help students achieve big goals and enhance their futures.

As I enter week three I feel so happy to be living here and getting  my teaching mojo back- long may it last! Plus my new workplace has a rooftop garden…bliss.

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