It’s Yamaguchi Prefecture!

The placement information is finally in, we are moving to Yamaguchi prefecture!!

We initially knew little about our new home, but here is what some extensive googling and joining of Facebook groups has led us to understand:

It is the most southern prefecture of the Honshu island of Japan.

The climate is semi-tropical with a wet season, hot summers and cooler winters.

It has a famous steam train.

It has Japan’s largest limestone cave.

It is surrounded by the sea on three sides (FISH!)

It is a more laid back prefecture, without a large metropolis.

Yama stands for mountains, so we assume there are some!

It has an amazing political history I cannot wait to explore.

They want me! And it will be our new home for at least a year…

I confess we have had to adjust a little as we had initial hopes of a large city placement. We are used to that type of living and it is what we know of Japan. However, the further out of your comfort zone you go, the more learning and community engagement there will be! We are now excited about learning more about this place; learning more Japanese; and eating more fish. It is a very beautiful looking prefecture.

Next step of the waiting game…where in Yamaguchi prefecture?!

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